A smartphone for dogs and cats.

I was walking home from school one day and I saw some friends playing at the park so I walked over and asked if I could play. They said, “yes”. We played for probably an hour or two and I decided to start heading home but on my way back I got distracted. I heard this buzzing noise coming from a nearby bush so I decided to check it out. I walked over to it and I saw a little phone with a paw print on it. 


I picked it up and it was making the sound again. It turned out I found a smartphone for dogs and cats! I have always dreamed of finding one. There are only like ten of them in the entire world! It took me a little while to figure out but it was totally worth it. I started going through it right away. I started by checking out social media. I see what it is, it turns out it was voice messages from a dog!! I knew right away how it worked. They recorded themselves barking and meowing instead of a written language. I explored further and I found out that this is a phone of a dog named Barley. He loves to post pictures of himself finding food, eating food, meeting dogs and cats, farting on humans, and what he pees on. There is also a danger app where the dogs and cats report where they saw danger or were in danger but I couldn’t understand it because all it was to me was bark bark bark meow meow. 

Then I saw it, a dog and cat movie site called “A Barker’s Dream”. It turns out the dog named Barley binged watched like ten shows including The Great Bark Off, Who Let The Dogs Out, Meow It Up, Richard Barked Big and many more. I was fascinated to see that there were five different calling apps including Call A Buddy, Bark Off, Meow Talk, Kibble Catch Up, and Call the Collar. Barley is a very weird dog; he likes to shop for Barkers , Collars , Doggy Cream, and Potato Scraps all on Dog Bay. 

After a while of going through all the cool apps I felt kind of bad for going through Barley’s phone.I decided I was going to return it to him. I could track him down by using this find your collar app. It turns out he was in a ally way only a few blocks away. When I got there I look around and spot him he is a beautiful husky with wight fur and blue eyes. He sees me and starts barking. I try to calm him down by scratching behind his ears. It worked. I gave him back his phone. He seemed happy about it. I’m so late but I feel good about myself, I found a smart phone for dogs and cats and thereare onley ten in the world. I smile as I start walking home. 

2 thoughts on “A smartphone for dogs and cats.

  1. that was a really satisfying story. I liked that you explained all the apps, but one of the things that I thought would be better is in the i=end you adopted Barly.

  2. Dear Eliya,

    I really enjoyed reading your story. I loved the fact that dogs and cats have smartphones in this story. I thought it was creative and fun to read.


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