War of 1812

In Social Studies we were given an assignment about the War of 1812. We were given eleven different options on what we could do it. We also got to decide if we wanted to do it with partners or in groups. Georgia and I decided we would work together to create a diorama about the Battle of Lundy’s Lane and the Siege of Fort Erie. We also had to wright a two-paragraph wright – up on the battle and how our diorama expresses the key events that happened.

Here is the wright up:

The Battle of Lundy’s Lane

This is a diorama of the battle of Lundy’s Lane and the Siege of Fort Erie in the War of 1812. In this war, there were more British soldiers than American soldiers. The ratio of the Americans to the British was one two one point four. That is why the ratio in our diorama is eight to ten. The battle started on July 25, 1814, from six pm till midnight. It was a cloudy day and late at night which led to a lot of confusion on the battlefield. This confusion led to the British and the Americans accidentally killing their own men. The Americans withdrew and later built their defenses at Fort Erie. The British attacked Fort Erie on August 13, 1814. (Nelson History 7, pg.181). “Their goal was to lay siege to the for and force the Americans out of their defensive stronghold” (Nelson History 7, pg.181). Both the Americans and the British withdrew which meant there was no clear winner of this battle. 

Our diorama is an artistic expression of the battle of Lundys Lane. The parts of the battle that we focus on are as follows. The red mini-figures represent the British soldiers, and the blue mini-figures represent the American soldiers. On the left of the diorama you will see two waterfalls, these waterfalls represent Niagara Falls which was at the foot of the battle. You might notice that both sides are not only killing the other side but are killing some of their own men. To represent the confusion that happened on the battlefield. You will also see a cannon which is a typical weapon used during this time. On top of the box, you will find fort eire to represent the events at fort erie that followed the battle. 

Here is our diorama:




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